Wednesday 14 March 2012

Restoration Projects And More

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

My background

I spent 2 years completing a National  Diploma in 3D Design at a local college. This was a great course for experimenting with all different types of materials. We had all types of classes ranging from Fine art, pottery, graphic design, metal work, wood work and computer aided design.  I have always loved music and instruments so for my final major project I designed and made an electric solid body guitar. This was the start of my passion for building musical instruments.

I then did a diploma in music performance at another local college for a year before packing my bags and heading for "The Big Smoke". I spent 3 years at Guild Hall (now London Met) studying towards a Degree in Musical Instrument Technology. It was here I learnt the skills needed to make many instruments from the string family, mainly acoustic guitars and ukuleles.

I then joined a well established band playing all over the UK. In places like The Cavern, Liverpool and The 100 Club, London. So as you can imagine the musical instrument making took a back seat as we recorded albums and toured England.

 After recording 2 albums, a few singles, TV appearences and movie soundtracks I decided to call it a day and settle down with a family.

I now have a lovely fiancee and daughter and run my own electrical testing business in the North West of England.

I now have the time and passion to pursue my love for musical instrument making.  I plan to finish off some old projects such as a travel guitar, an acoustic guitar and a ukulele.
Also to do some restoration work on banjo ukuleles and guitars. I hope you can follow me over the next few months and years in my musical journey. You may learn some tips and techniques and maybe help me with what I am doing.

What do you think of cigar box instruments? I am about to buy some old wooden cigar boxes that have fabulous advertising on them from America. I will be turning these in to Ukuleles and guitars.

Watch this space!

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